Brookline Center Response to COVID-19

Keeping our community healthy

September 2021 – The Brookline Center is open to the public and currently conducting both in-person client visits and telehealth visits. Due to the ongoing public health crisis, all clients/visits must complete screening checks upon arrival at the Center.

More information

Information for Clients

Information for Other Visitors

For current clients

All Brookline Center clinicians are fully trained in delivering telehealth visits and clients who are not able to attend provider visits on-site are taking advantage of these offsite services to continue their care.

If you are a current client and have questions, please contact your Brookline Center provider for guidance. For emergencies, please call 911.

For new clients

Please reach out at (617) 277-8107 if you or someone in your family is having difficulty coping or is otherwise experiencing poor mental health.

Information and resources for the community

In addition to our emails to the community, you will find all updates on this page and on our Facebook and Twitter social media channels.


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