September 2021 – The Brookline Center is currently conducting both in person client visits as well as visits that are conducted via telehealth. In person visits will be conducted in accordance with the following guidelines:
Clients and visitors are required to check in at the front desk where an Administrative Coordinator will review the Client & Visitor COVID-19 Screening Questionnaire with them. If the client is a child under 12, the clinician may be asked to assist in reviewing the screening questions for efficiency purposes. Clients and visitors answering YES to any of the questions will not be allowed to be seen. Services should be performed via telehealth until all question guidelines can be met.
The following circumstances constitute disqualification for entry in the building:
- The presence of any of the symptoms listed in the self-screening above in the past 48 hours.
- Non-compliance with the current Massachusetts Travel Order.
- Advised by a government official or a healthcare practitioner to self-isolate or quarantine due to exposure or potential exposure to COVID-19 in the past 7 days.
- A positive test for COVID-19 or notification of a probable COVID-19 infection by a government official or healthcare practitioner in the past 10 days with no symptoms.
- If not fully vaccinated: close contact (defined by the CDC as 6-feet or closer for a cumulative total of 15 minutes within a 24-hour period) with a person who is known to have tested positive for COVID-19 or with anyone who has any symptoms consistent with COVID-19 within the past 7-14 days.
Any client participating in an in-person visit that receives a positive COVID-19 test within 14 days of their visit is required to notify Lisa Leccacorvi, Director of Human Resources, immediately via email or phone ( or 857-576-8347). Staff who were in contact with the client will be notified of the positive test result . All medical information will be kept confidential in accordance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).
Should a Brookline Center staff member test positive within 14 days of an in-person visit, any clients that came into contact with that staff member will be notified to ensure they are able to take necessary precautions.
As COVID-19 regulations continue to evolve, The Brookline Center may become legally required at some point to disclose that you and Center staff have been in contact, especially if either of us were to test positive or show signs of COVID-19 infection. If the Center is legally compelled to disclose information, the Center will inform you and will only provide the minimum necessary information (e.g., your name and the dates of our contact) required by law.
Masks must be worn by all parties for all visits at all times. Masks must adequately cover the nose and mouth and fit securely around the face. Masks are to be supplied by the client. Due to the requirement to wear a mask during visits, there is no eating or drinking during visits. Any clients needing a medical accommodation must provide documentation by a medical provider. These circumstances will be reviewed by the Center’s Chief Clinical Officer and will be accommodated only if it is possible to do so safely.
For clients receiving psych testing services, masks can be removed with the authorization of a provider when clients are in offices alone with the door closed. Masks must be worn upon entry of any additional party to the room.
Clients must maintain a distance of at least six feet from Center staff members. Visits will only be conducted in spaces where at least six feet of physical distance can be maintained. Any clients needing a medical accommodation must provide documentation by a medical provider. These circumstances will be reviewed by the Center’s Chief Clinical Officer and will be accommodated only if it is possible to do so safely. Exceptions for social distancing requirements may be made at your provider’s discretion if medical treatment requires contact, such as medication administration, blood pressure monitoring, etc. In these instances, contact will be limited as much as possible.
Clients must make the clinician aware of all parties that will be attending an in-person visit in advance of the visit. Attendees are restricted to those clinically necessary in-person as determined by the clinical staff. Meeting attendees will be limited in accordance with the availability of physical space and the requirement to maintain social distancing at all times.
Once clients check in for their appointment, they need to remain in the waiting room for their clinician to greet and escort them to the clinician’s office. Family members and visitors may stay in the waiting room but need to wear a mask at all times. The doors in the waiting room remain locked throughout the day .
All clients are required to either wash hands with soap and water or to use hand sanitizer upon arrival to any Brookline Center buildings.
All Center COVID-19 client visit guidelines apply to ALL client visits, including those conducted outdoors and at other community locations.
Clients are asked to immediately exit the building upon conclusion of their visit. Clinicians will escort clients to the exit.
Any clients and/or appointment attendees not in compliance with the Center’s COVID-19 related guidelines will be asked to leave immediately. This includes, but is not limited to, anyone found or suspected to be symptomatic at the time of the visit.